5 trends for the future
What are the trends shaping skills and business over the next few years?
Sydney Executive Plus has highlighted five trends which are having an impact on the nature of work and society today.
For businesses and organisations, awareness about the future is important. Management and decision-making are inherently forward-looking activities. Consequently, taking into account potential future possibilities and risks is crucial.
In this report we introduce five important trends for the future, each underpinned and in some way shaped by particular technologies, but always understood in terms of the changes they bring about for work practices, business models or the broader economy. These five trends are shaping the future of business today:
+ Assistive thinking
+ Synthetic reality
+ The provenance economy
+ Leading with identity
+ Authentic belonging
This report is a resource for leaders and stakeholders to think about the forces that are currently shaping the future of their organisation. It is the product of targeted research within the University of Sydney Business School, and can be used to inform strategy discussions and support long-term planning.
As we navigate emerging futures, it is crucial for individuals, organisations, and communities to understand and adapt to these emerging trends. Doing so enables organisations to be better positioned for success and capitalise on the opportunities that lie ahead.
Cite this report
Peter, Sandra; Riemer, Kai; & Norman, Pat (2023) “5 trends for the future: 2023”. Sydney Executive Plus, The University of Sydney. https://doi.org/10.25910/g449-dj03